Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The other part of our story is adoption!  Certainly, our daughter's heart condition is paramount in our minds, but more immediate is the pending adoption of her into our family forever.  We hope to have her home in February at the latest.

I love to talk about adoption!  I think I adore this topic so much because I have been adopted too.  I was raised by two amazing biological parents, but, like all people I had a heart condition that separated me from true love.  I was born a sinner.  I was broken, a was figuring out life on my own and God chose me to be adopted into his family.  He looks at me now, one who was once covered in sin, and through His act of sacrificial love sees me without blemish and free from accusation (Colossians 3:22).  God cares for me emotionally, physically, spiritually and mentally.  He has meengraved on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16) and He will walk through any battle or circumstance with me.  God tells me every day, in so many ways, the same thing I tell my children before they go to sleep, "I will love you always and forever no matter what."

My heart aches patiently, waiting on the Lord's timing, to bring our daughter home to our family.  This will be a safe and loving place where she will have the freedom to be herself, to grow her gifts, to make mistakes, find forgiveness and to struggle through physical ailments with her family by her side .  This will be a place where our daughter will learn about the unconditional love of her Heavenly Father and receive unconditional love from her earthly parents as well.

This video captures the beauty of adoption and brought tears to my eyes when I saw it.

Praise God!  We all can know that kind of love.  We all can be adopted.  We have already been chosen, we just have to receive the gift.  "In love, he predestined us to be adopted as his sons and daughters through Jesus Christ."  Ephesians 1:5

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