Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hallie and Melia

I wanted to dedicate a post to each of my older three children and today's blog post belongs to Hallie.

To be honest, she was one of the reasons we decided to adopt.  For several years she has been asking for a sister.  At first, we thought it would be a passing phase but then her request for a sister became more heartfelt and sincere.  She promised to help and be a good role model for her little sister.  Now, although Hallie is an amazing child we wondered how quickly the novelty of a new sister would wear off and she would become a nuisance rather than a gift!

Well, one month into our family of six and let me tell you what a blessing it is to see these two sisters interact.  Hallie fell in love right away and I think Melia quickly followed suit.  Hallie helped ease Melia into the water for her first bath and now she loves the water.  Hallie plays with her and helps her up and down the steps as many times as Melia wants to go up and down.  Hallie can make a bottle beautifully and does so without even being asked.  She has a keen sense as to what her little sister needs and attends to her at the drop of a hat.  Hallie sings, dances, rocks and carries her sister with so much love and adoration.  The way she interacts with Melia shows evidence of Jesus dwelling in her heart.  Hallie's love is sacrificial and sustaining.

We have also seen how Melia already looks up to her big sister.  She trusts her when she is playing and holding her, not to be harsh.  She smiles and laughs with her big sister and feels comfortable when she is in the room.

We pray that this love and special relationship with endure and grow through many more years.  They are people and sisters so certainly we don't expect their relationship to be perfect but we are hopeful that it will always be special.

Today I am thankful for these two wonderful girls that God has graced me with and the unique relationship that belongs just to them.

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