Thursday, February 2, 2012

First Doctor Visit

This week has been quite eventful.

We started off with a visit to our pediatrician on Tuesday.  He was very pleased with Melia's development and quite enamormed with her personality.  She did a great job until they decided it was time to update her immunizations.  She had an injection to test for TB in her arm (after the first injection failed) and two shots in each leg.  Melia cried so hard that little blood vessels in her face broke open!  Fortunately, she was easily consoled.  I was also easily consoled by my mom who was with me for the visit.

The next day we went over to Children's for a chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound and labwork.  Of course, little Melia had to fast for the exam.  So, my mom occupied her in an extra long bath and playtime to distract her while the older kids ate breakfast.  She was amazingly content until about 9:15.  At that point in time she whimpered a little, but was still her usual sweet self!

After the ultrasound and before the lab work we fed her and she was a lot happier, for a few minutes.  The lab technician had to draw 5 vials of blood and while they held Melia's arm and body down she just looked up at me and cried, "Mama, Mama."

I couldn't handle anymore tears and after we left I cried some of my own.  I was sad she had endured any amount of pain and my mind wandered to future pains that she might endure because of heart surgery.  That combined with the intense amount of love I feel for my newest daughter made for an emotional breakdown on my part.  Ugh.

The blessing in all this pain is Melia's growing attachment to me as her mommy.  She reaches for me, hugs me and is soothed by me more and more every day.

After the hospital we had an "interesting" time trying to collect a urine specimen and I still have to collect three stool specimens.  Fun!  The good news is that all of her tests have come back as expected.  I am so thankful for the results we have received thus far.

We have heart appointments and an echocardiogram later this month.

Love my little girl!

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